Thursday, January 21, 2010

Photo Manipulation on Hiatus in the Media

As cool as it is that something like photoshop can alter people's appearance so finely that it looks real, at least if done right, I also think its rather wrong. Its offensive in more ways then one. It hurts the feelings of the person in the picture, as they're being altered to look better, as if they didn't already. But it also screws up the image of the human body that society has. We've become so used to these sort of perfect bodies that people have started to think of them as normal, and normal people are starting to think they're either too fat or too thin, even if they're as normal and as health as needed.

I think it'd be cool if this "Au Natural" trend stays strong, since it could really help out some people. It's really hard for some for some people to accept their own image, and no matter how many changes they make, they're never pleased. If the world around them shoves images of picture perfect women or men, then you can just imagine how much more inferior they must feel. Everyone is made in God's image. Everyone. So no one should think it's alright to alter people's image so that they look more "attractive".

Unfortunately, as great as it would be if this trend continued, its hard to believe it will. Our society runs on money, and not too many magazines will be willing to lose money to support a good cause. I'm sure that most people will be turned off by non-glamorous covers. Because of that, I think that most people won't keep this trend going on, but it would be awesome if they would.

1 comment:

  1. I also think that celebreties on covers without make up or photoshop is a great thing but i dont think the trend will continue.
